Tests are a part of life no matter what. We all have to write examinations in schools, we do a test to get our Driver's License and let's not forget those milestone examinations such as CSEC and SEA.

With that being said, have you ever noticed that each person handles the examination process differently? That is because there are different types of test takers and each type requires a unique approach to examination preparation. In this blog post, we identify the different types of test takers and provide some insight on strategies that can be used to prepare them for exams.
There are 4 types of test takers. These are:
The Perfectionist
The Memoriser
The Improviser
The Stresser
The Perfectionist is that student that takes detailed notes and is normally well prepared for tests. This type of student becomes frustrated when (s)he cannot figure out the answer to a question during test time. Also, this student tends to obsess over test answers long after the exam has passed.
To help this kind of student prepare for tests, parents should promote breaks and help (s)he understand that it is OK not to remember one answer. Also, try to let this student understand that the exam has passed and that the answer cannot be changed.
2. The Memoriser
This type of student can recite all information about a topic but cannot apply what is taught. S(he) does well at multiple choice questions but will fail any question that requires reasoning.
To help this type of student parents should encourage him/her to teach the material. This will show how well the material us understood.
3. The Improvisor/ Uninterested
This child show little interest in school. He/she normally waits until the last minute to study. This type of student is usually anxious for exams to be completed and usually pays no attention to the result after the exam is completed.
To help this student, parents should try to show them the importance of school. Also try to find a fun way to learn the material. Work with the child to create a study plan and help them with implementation of this plan.
4.The Stresser
This Stresser is similar to the Perfectionist and the Memoriser since the Stresser usually has great study habits however unlike these two this type of student usually freezes up during the exam.
To help this student, the parent should do as many tests as possible and to help the child feel relaxed as possible. Try to reassure the student by helping them understand that they have prepared and that the test is made up of the material that they studied.
So there you have it, the different types of test takers. Try to identify your child's type and use the recommendations outlined to help them. If you have any questions feel free to contact us. Don't forget you can subscribe to our email list to receive more tips.