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Writer's pictureCharlene Morris

How to develop a passion for reading in 6 simple steps

Reading is an essential part of life. A child who does not read will struggle with comprehension and spelling skills which will spill over into other areas such as Mathematics.Each year, we at Grade A encounter students who struggle with word problems simply because their comprehension skills are poor. So what can you do to help your child? Here are 6 things which you do to create a reading culture with your child.

  • Read together. Find a comfortable spot where the two of you can read together every day for about 30 minutes. Take turns reading chapters from a book for pleasure, or read books that are above her reading level but are about things that interest her.

  • Encourage all reading. Comic books and magazines can provide a good reading experience. As long as they are age-appropriate, don't discourage his/ her interest, but keep a stock of high-quality books in your home so he has other options easily available.

  • Discuss the books. Ask your child what the author's main theme is, how characters are alike or different, what s/he likes or dislikes about the story, and how it compares to other books s/he's read. Share your own thoughts Keep a dictionary handy. Together, look up words she doesn't know and invest in a dictionary she can use on her own.

  • Use informative books. Encourage reading for information. If s/he has a science report, help him/her find books for his/her research rather than only going to the Web. While the Internet is an easy resource, teach him/her that books are often more detailed.

  • You should expect plateaus. Following some big leaps in his/her progress, your child may stay at the same reading level for several months. Keep encouraging him and offer praise.

  • Set a good example. Read for your own pleasure and information every day at home, in a room without television.

So there you have it. By implementing these steps you would be well on your way to helping your child develop good reading habits. If your child is struggling, don't forget that we at Grade A can help. We offer reading classes at our centre as well as in home tutoring. For more information you can call or What'sApp us at 324-5496.

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